Irish Library

A small sample of books (maybe 20-25%) in my Irish reference library, as listed under “Further Reading, Viewing & Listening” in Irish Firebrands:



19 responses to “Irish Library

    • Don’t the covers make a beautiful collage? I hope someday to have the whole collection pictured, perhaps click-able to Goodreads, but it’s a lot of work, and I have other projects to finish, first.

      If you’d like to find any of these books through Inter-library Loan, publication information is available on the Sample Chapters menu (above), under Back Matter > Bibliography.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes, they certainly do! In fact, I just told my sister about them today and how impressive your Irish collection is. I wondered if you have a separate book shelf for all things Irish. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • About 20 linear feet of shelves, actually. I may have more Irish material than my local public library does. 😉


          • WOW! 😀 So now with the new book, is it solely German or is there some Irish there as well?


            • There are both German and Irish phrases in the new book, just enough to contribute a “you are there” feeling. Germans have made up great idiomatic expressions and other clever plays on words. I hope I can do them justice. Right now, my favorite German word is “Gulaschkanone.”

              Liked by 1 person

              • Hmm… I’m dying to know what that means. It sounds like a food item. LOL! I wonder how different authentic German and Amish High German differ. My 3rd grade teacher was German and she taught us just enough that I know some basics, such as counting and some nouns. I have a friend who is German and lives in Berlin, and we email a bit and I pick up some phrases from her once in a while. I’m sure your new book will be very exciting. I can’t wait to read it. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow – that’s some collection. Thanks for following my blog. Did you notice I have a couple of ‘Irish interest’ books on my ‘publications’ page. I’d love to know what you think of them. If you would like a free review copy of any let me know.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve a great many more books in my Irish collection than are shown here, which are mainly the ones that I studied when I was writing my first novel. Because my work-in-progress also deals with Irish history, I’ve begun posting reviews of the sources I’m consulting for that book, starting with material about Michael Collins (see and

      But because what’s considered “the present” at any point in time is the product of everything that’s past, even though I’m currently writing about early 20th-century Ireland, I’ll be delving into An Gorta Mór and the Norman Incursion, too, so I’m interested in reading A Purgatory of Misery and Strongbow’s Wife, and will be pleased to review them here and elsewhere.

      Thank you for visiting and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Christine Plouvier,

    I am here to light a fire to get in touch with you because I wanted to but could not leave my comments at your “About” page nor at your “About Christine” page, the latter, to my surprise, is (much) better and more informative than the former. You have indeed had a very productive and meaningful life, having achieved so much over the years.

    Thank you for commenting on the special eulogy published at

    I shall reply to you as soon as I can.


  3. Hello Christine,

    I would also like to mention that Stefanie Neumann and I go back many years in our communications via each other’s writings and blogging. For example, you can find one of our many conversations at the following post:

    🦅 SoundEagle in John Clinock’s Art Rat Cafe 🎨🖼


  4. As mentioned, those deserts shown on Stefanie’s post entitled “Easter Joy” look so yummy that they are even making my eyes hungry, not just my stomach, for I have always had great interest in food presentation, which I would like to share with you at

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Speaking of festive season and Easter (with or without glorious food), here’s my own take on Easter at

    The said post even contains Easter animations and games, which will only be functional if Adobe Flash Player has been installed. In my experience, the web browser that can best work with Adobe Flash Player happens to be Internet Explorer. May you enjoy to your heart’s content.

    Happy mid-October to you! May you find this autumn very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing!


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