Reading & Reviewing Services


My areas of expertise:

Registered Nurse
Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum, Breastfeeding
Irish History & Culture
First World War History
Will also double-check miscellaneous facts in any period for historical novels

Beta Reader FREE REPORT provided:

Vocabulary and research discrepancies

Formats for UNPUBLISHED manuscripts:

Digital manuscript files which are supported by the Balabolka Text-To-Speech (TTS) program, with these filename extensions: AZW, AZW3, CHM, DjVu (DjVu+OCR), DOC, DOCX, EML, EPUB, FB2 (FB2.ZIP, FBZ), HTML, LIT, MOBI, ODS, ODT, PDB, PDF, PRC, RTF, TCR, WPD, XLS, XLSX. Individual chapter files saved in Adobe Acrobat PDF format preferred.

PUBLISHED Book Reviews:

My reading taste is generally eclectic, with favorites in literary fiction, historical fiction, and faith-oriented fiction (primarily Roman Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Judaic, and Latter-day Saint). I’d like to see more multi-genre/fusion fiction works, but I’m willing to take a chance on a genre I don’t usually read if the blurb and a sample chapter are intriguing.

Format for PUBLISHED book reviews:

Bound, printed books preferred. This is because I have a visual disability that makes screen reading difficult and uncomfortable for any period of time longer than brief snatches of text, and when I’m reading for a book review that will be published worldwide, I need to be able to both relax and concentrate on the story for long periods. I will provide a mailing address for you to order and ship a copy of your book. If I choose not to retain the book in my personal library, I will donate it to my public library.

Contact me via this form for a Beta Reading or a Book Review:

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